If you are interested in teaching a class at TCMS please use this template for you lesson plan.
Category Archives: Uncategorized
Learn to Solder Class
TCMS will be holding its first class. We will be offering an introduction to soldering class. The class will cover using and setting up a soldering iron, different soldering techniques, and will conclude with each student assembling a through hole electronics kit.
Each student will take home a completed kit, soldering iron, solder, soldering iron stand, and diagonal cutters. The class will take place on 10-30-2013 and should take about an hour to and hour and a half.
Tickets are available at http://www.eventbrite.com/event/8695411209
Meeting Notice
Tuesday, 10/8, at 6pm
Triple Cities Makerspace, Inc. will hold a business meeting at 140 Baldwin St, Johnson City, NY 13790 (enter on the right side). Members can be accepted at business meetings.
Open House
TCMS will be having an open house even on 10-5-2013 at our space at 140 Baldwin Street in Johnson City. There will we lots to do and see including, RC Mario Kart turtle shell racers, quadrocopter flying, a giant Jacobs Ladder, learn to solder classes, a 3D printer raffle, and more! This event is open to all, so we hope to see everyone there!
Meeting Notice
Tuesday, 10/1, at 6pm Triple Cities Makerspace, Inc. will hold a business meeting at 140 Baldwin St, Johnson City, NY 13790 (enter on the right side). Members can be accepted at business meetings.
Retro Gaming Night
Meeting Notice
Tuesday, 9/17, at 6pm Triple Cities Makerspace, Inc. will hold a business meeting at 140 Baldwin St, Johnson City, NY 13790 (enter on the right side). Members can be accepted at business meetings.
Want to get started with 3D printing? Here’s your chance. TCMS will be raffling off ready to go Printrbot 3D printer. Tickets are $5 each and the drawing will take place on October 5th during the TCMS open house.
Tickets are available from TCMS board members or by contacting us via email or Facebook.
Pictures from the clean up.
Here are a couple before and after pics from the cleaning on Saturday. Big thanks to Drew, Erik, Kris, Krista, Peggy, and Rick for all your hard work!
Meeting notice
Meeting Notice.
Tuesday, 9/10, at 6pm
Triple Cities Makerspace, Inc. will hold a business meeting at 140 Baldwin St, Johnson City, NY 13790 (enter on the right side). Members can be accepted at business meetings.