Meeting Notes from 11-16-2012 Meeting


Attendance: Drew, John, Torin, Erik, Zak, Dan, Ben, Rene, Alex

Time 7:40

Introductions from first time attendees:

Dan: Junior at Vestal H. S. Plans to go into Computer Science, Interested in Arduino, Raspberry Pi’s, etc

Torin:  Undergrad, Senior in Anthropology Sculpture Major Interested in metal casting and welding, Projects- Waste Oil Furnace. He is writing his thesis on maker spaces, Gen Space and is maker curious.

Zak: Industrial Sys. Engineer BU Undergrad, into solder and Dremeling, expert at taking things apart. Saw a TCMakerspace poster in the Engineering Building @ Binghamton University

Alex: Engineering Science at BCC, programs C++, Programming on TI 89, Worked on the BCC catapult

Discussion on physical spaces:

We all decided that getting a time scale together is crucial for getting a space, since it helps us decied what spaces will work for us. We also decided that we want to be in a space in the next 30 days.

Drew and Erik looked and a space behind the Know Theater on Carol Street.

  • Brick Building
  • Unconnected- Stand-alone building with possible basement
  • Currently uninhabitable
  • At the moment no electric, heat, or water. The space was sued for storage for years so utilities have been turned off
  • $720.00 / month
  • Off-street Parking
  • Close to Downtown and near public transit lines
  • 15′ ceilings
  • The paint is all lead based so it will need to be repainted by the landlord before we move in.
  • Since we are re-purposing a commercial space and not subletting we will need to get approval from the Community Planning board. The real estate agent we spoke to is looking into that and will give us a time frame.
    • To get reconnected to the power grid the electrical will need to be inspected by an electrician. John knows an electrician named Herman. Erik doesn’t trust Herman… anyone named Herman.
    • Houses nearby to Carol Street. Possible noise issues





  • Cheap, lots of room
  • Security problems, since there is shared access the exterior door needs to be access controlled. Possible issue since landlord isn’t very pro-technology.

Since Last Meeting:

Ben, Drew, Erik, and Rene Met with Christie Zwahlen who is the Community Engagement Coordinator from the BU Center for Civic Engagement.

She is contacting the Tech Center in Downtown Binghamton for possible space, she is also looking into possible free space for us. Also mentioned the possibility of getting a marketing intern and discussed what requirements we would have to meet to be able to provide the intern with class credit for their work.  Ms. Zwahlen’s work is in bridging the digital divide, she organizes tech literacy classes and works with students to refurbish donated computers to get low income families computers in their homes. She mentioned the possibility of getting TCMS some computers. She works with many non-profits in the area, and was interested in us holding free classes that compliment her work. She also suggested that we table at the BU student Union to get more interest in the space, this is something that will be discussed at a later date, since it isn’t time sensitive.

We were also able to talk to Unicorn Electronics and they offered to advertise the space in their stores and agreed to give us any broken or donated computers and equipment.

We also want to reach out to other computer stores like Red Barn for possible advertising options.

  • Plans of First Friday:
  • Back to River Read Books
  • Examples of People’s projects
  • LED sign again
  • LED Throwies 

Action Items:

  • Donations from local companies- Beth can work on that.
  • Alex- hang up flyers @ BCC and Engineering Club @ BCC
  • First Friday – Get your projects!

Circuit Bending- Musical Instruments


Roomba Jousting – Velcro Styrofoam heads.

More “throwies”

LED Potato,  Potato Batteries

Redd it-Put your ideas on there

End Notes:

Saturday or Sunday Meeting

Next Week: Because 9- of Black Friday and Tofurky Day

Meeting notes from 11/9/2012 meeting

November 9, 2012

In attendance:Chris,Drew,Adam,Jaimie ,Erik,Krista, and Ben


Adam– Software, electronics Degrees in software and electronics.

River Read -Connie -had a lot of info regarding possible spaces.

Erik- Contacted Spool (art studio) possible space- emailed and voice called

Tech works – emailed

NYPENN? No word at all from the landlord

There is a possibility of  reduced or free rent at Tech works or Spool. Connie, from River Read  knows the people at these places.

Carol street is pricey Rent but, for reduced rent, perhaps, we can upgrade the space. (Ethernet, updated electrical)

Reminded everyone that next week we will probably have an anthropology major at the meeting        (mushrooms ed) -Will follow the group to see how it develops.

We plan to do another First Friday exhibit.

Regarding the LED sign there was discussion of building a laser projection or POV sign

River Read- Connie would like us to have an  event (kid friendly)

Erik suggested Picaxe Robots, 3D printed Turtle  bots(Ben) (Kid friendly-Runs basic) chassis

Ben suggested-Squishy circuits and an Arudino Theremin

Giving Out aluminum iPhone cases etch them with TC Makerspace logo using CNC or toner transfer and acid.

More LED throwies

Electronic Business cards? $7.40 per each

First Friday- Print musical instruments? Josh can play music…

NY Penn-BC Rollers Rent issues

The Makers pace can work with the BC Rollers to secure the NYPENN Space






Heat / Hot water

501-3C income:

Price of the application increases as (potential) income increases.

Just something to consider when applying for non-profit.

* Having an actual space will def. change the dynamic of Recruiting

More Event possibilities-

Bike Workshop

50/50 Classes, where half the money for a pay class goes to the space and half to the lecturer.

Class Ideas:


Intro to 3d printing



Wood Working


Keypad door lock

RFID – easy to clone, especially with a group of hackers.        More techno-words.

Action Items

Ben, Erik & Drew Meet @ BU -Wednesday center for Community engagement Workshop on Refurbishing old PCS trying to get it underway.

Carrol Street space – Meeting Monday at space.

Adam- Look into space at Binghamton end innovation center.